Coaching Program

Assistances for micro and small entrepreneurs in South Sumatra to grow economically independent.


Fostered Partners are small businesses that get a UMK Financing Program loan and/or Partners Independent Development.


Mandiri Development Partners are fostered partners who no longer get UMK Financing Program loans and are not fostered by other SOEs.


Construction Burden


To finance education, training, apprenticeship, marketing, promotion, and other matters relating to increased productivity of Foster Partners as well as for studies/research related to the UMK Financing Program.


The cost of coaching is in the form of a grant and the maximum amount is 20% (twenty percent) percent) of the UMK Financing Program funds distributed in the current year.


Coaching expenses can only be given to or for the benefit of Development Partners.

Micro & Small Enterprises Financing Aid

Financing to strengthen local business capital in various sectors such as:


Regular Program

  • Trading
  • Service
  • Agriculture
  • Industry
  • Farm
  • Fishery
  • Small Business

Farmer Group Program

Farming business working capital assistance to farmers who are members of farmer groups who aims to help ease the burden on farmers in terms of capital before entering planting period and also to prevent farmers from borrowing through loan sharks/bondage then also as a means to promote the products produced by PT Pusri (fertilizer & research products) and PT PAL products (herbicides, fungicides & pesticides).


Realization of UMK Fund Distribution in 2023

The disbursement of working capital loans for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (UMK) in the trade, services, industry, agriculture, livestock, and fisheries sectors by BRI.


Submit a UMK Financing Program Proposal

You can see the requirements for the PT UMK financing program proposal. Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang by clicking the button below.

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