
PUSRI Distribution

Pusri prioritizes the fulfillment of domestic needs on fertilizer to support agricultural progress and realize Indonesia’s food security.

By paying attention to the physical development, distribution and marketing of fertilizers, Pusri management are required to always be vigilant, monitor and prepare strategic work methods in the field of distribution and marketing. Pusri is faced with a mission that is quite difficult, internal conditions and external which are quite complex and fertilizers must reach the target EXACT SIX (exactly time, quantity, type, place, quality and price. So that Pusri overcomes it by developing 2 patterns distribution, namely Pipeline and Least Cost.

Pipe Line Distribution System

A series of distributions from producers/importers to consumers in a single line

Least Cost Distribution System

Fertilizer distribution through the closest point to get the total cost cheapest distribution


Various facilities provided by Pusri to assist the company's operations


Representative office

Representative offices are located in each provincial capital of Sumatra, Java, West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan and South Sulawesi


Pier / Harbor

The company has 5 (five) docks for its own use (DUKS) to issue production from a factory in Palembang



Located in each district/municipality throughout Indonesia, as many as 108 units


Packing Unit

The company also has 5 (five) bagging units in the regions, namely the Packing unit Fertilizer (UPP) in Belawan, Cilacap, Surabaya, Meneng/Banyuwangi and Semarang Representatives, each of which is equipped with a Pier for its Own Interests (DUKS). For unloading fertilizers at public ports (such as Dumai, Panjang, Cigading/Ciwandan ports and Cirebon) bagging through the Mobile Bagging System (MBS).

Packing Unit Data

Download Distribution Document

Download the fertilizer distribution flow scheme document and service standards minimal.

Government Assignment / GA

The government assigns assignments or Public Service Obligations (PSO) to fertilizer producers to carry out the procurement and distribution of subsidized fertilizers.

Find Warehouses and Distributors here

To comply the SIX EXACT target (Exact time, quantity, type, place, quality, and price) PUSRI comes with warehouses and distributors that make it easier for you to get the best quality fertilizer.

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